Sunday, October 5, 2008

Red Line Anxiety

Ever get extremely anxious before you watch a video online? Whether it be on YouTube or any other site you still have to wait for that god forsaken bar to load. And unless you hit play and then pause at the speed of light quickly so you can wait while it might as well stick to books because you aren't going to see an online video any time soon. 
It seems like someone put that little circle on crack. It puts the 
Little Engine That Could" to shame. And you can't just let it load half way, because sure enough that little circle will run at a perfect pace slightly behind the loading bar just until you relax and convince yourself that your video will not freeze up and make everyone talk like they are on tracks being mixed on a turn table-Wh wh wh wh whicky what? Then it speeds up as soon as you exhale. 

Room B 600 wants it's technology curse back. 

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