Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hey Bob Lovell NO ONE CARES.

"Hi, I'm Bob Lovell and I'm an asshole."

Bob Lovell is the spokesperson for Home Marketing Service, a "one stop-shop for all of your real estate and mortgage needs." I thought I knew bad advertising until I saw his "Bless your Heart" ads. I can't even bring myself to call it a campaign. I get nauseous every time I even sense one of his "commercials" starting. Bob Lovell sells his service by claiming that "buying a home is intimidating...especially when everyone else seems to be speaking a financial foreign language. At HMS we handle financialese spoken, just plain english." I guess I just don't really understand how he is consciously marketing to a group that does not understand financial terms and yet thinks that being condescending and calling them stupid is the way to go. Bob Lovell's ads are horrible because they neither work or reward, they insult. 
Not only does Bob Lovell make horrible ads but he acts like he is absolutely brilliant, parading them on his website. He even goes as far in one of his "ads" to confront someone who insulted his wife from what he said about her in his "Bless Your Heart Commercial." Not only does he spend merely half a second mentioning the service but he also manages to insult northerners by titling the commercial "Damn Yankee."  Not good enough? Alright then, in a few other HMS ads he even flicks the camera off and spends half of his dialogue with bleeped out cussing. Oh he and runs these ads on the cartoon network. Well done Bob. Well done. Maybe Bob is just confused about the definition of narrow marketing. Because it certainly does not mean offending as many people as possible so only a few respond to your ad positively. 

Bless You Heart 

Want to be insulted? Visit the Home Marketing Services website:

    Volvo's advertising has been brilliant ever since their Lemon. print ad by Bill Bernbach. And they just keep getting better. Their new campaign with Brooke Shields is HYSTERICAL. The Routan Boom discusses the grave issue of people reproducing solely so they can purchase Volvo Routan Mini Van. I love the fact that they are finding new and inventive ways to advertise mini vans. Another way Volvo is spicing up old uninteresting products is by renaming their "used cars." Previously owned Volvos are now deemed "Pre Loved"

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Color Theory

Color has more effect on us than we think:
Blue is an appetite suppressant 
     Studies show that since blue food is such a rare occurrence in nature. Therefore we just do not      have an automatic appetite response to the color blue.
     This could actually work to our advantage:  Several weight loss programs suggest putting your      food on a blue plate or to even put a blue light in your refrigerator.
Red, Orange and Yellow increases appetites 
     Hence McDonald's color choice. 

Facts about color and its influence on marketing:
According to a study done at University of Loyola, Maryland color increases brand recognition by up to 80 percent.
Ads in color are read up to 42% more often than the same ads in black and white
Approximately 80% of what we assimilate through the senses, is visual

Many products have experienced a massive boost in sales and product interest from introducing color:
When Heinz made the bold move of turning their ketchup green, their sales skyrocketed to $23 million. All due to a simple change of color. 
When Apple brought color into a marketplace forever ruled by beige with the iMacs, they reinvigorated a brand that had suffered $1.8 billion of losses in two years.


    Nike is very well known for its brilliant ad campaign developed by the almighty Wieden + Kennedy. My favorite Nike commercial of all time is actually one that we watched in class. Nike's brand personality has an affect on consumers that many brands could only dream of. Regardless of the fact that I am void of motor-skills, the rhythm in this commercial completely prohibits me from staying still, I have to move my limbs. I have to get up and dance or exercise or go and buy all the Nike products that I can! 

When I saw this commercial again in class I remembered why I fell in love with it in the first place, the intertextuality from STOMP. 

     I loved the concept of STOMP since the first time I saw the HBO Special titled STOMP OUT LOUD . STOMP is described as a combination of percussion, movement and visual comedy. These performances are alive with rhythm and emotion. The Nike spot takes advantage of capturing the same ambience, then adds it to its already captivating brand personality. There are a few spots that actually feature STOMP in their commercials such as Coca-Cola's Ice Pick (featured below), several Target spots, Toyota in Japan and Seat in Europe. All of these ads are so alluring because of the way our minds react to the mnemonic device of rhythm. 



Coca-Cola's Ice Pick with STOMP

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Brand Disciple

Ever find yourself swearing by a brand, as if your life depended on it? I find myself fighting for several brands
that I follow religiously. With these certain brands I find myself proclaiming their products, even if they fail me. Here are the list of products I am a Brand Disciple of:
  1. Mac
  2. Nikon 
  3. Starbucks (Yes, even w/ its ridiculous prices)
  4. Silk Milk (Chocolate of course)
  5. Jeep Grand Cherokee (Yes, even w/ 13mpg)
  6. Coca Cola Classic 
  7. Cingular/AT&T
  8. The Office (I'm Addicted) 
  9. Leonardo DiCaprio (alright so he isn't a brand or a product, but you know what I mean ;)
  10. Ozarka Bottled Water 
  11. Escada~Summer Heat
  12. Lysol
  13. Nike
  14. American Airlines
  15. Nordstrom (Yay, Shoes for Tall Girls!!!)
  16. Teavana
  17. Nutella
  18. Skippy Natural Peanut Butter

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Multiple Intelligences

I definitely have all of them. Hahhahahahah...ahhhh just kidding. My most preferred routes for problem solving and understanding would be linguistic, interpersonal, and spatial.

I love language. I took French in middle school for 3 years, then Spanish throughout high school and almost two semesters of college, and I am also currently learning Polish from my boyfriend. I find it so much easier to learn from a native speaker than someone who learned it from a book. We speak it as much as possible so I can practice. I don't know why, I just get some sort of thrill from the way the different sounds form on my tongue. It's exhilarating to know that no one else knows what you are saying. I guess it also makes me feel like I am included in the culture. I wouldn't say that I pick up languages with ease, it takes me a lot of work but I really enjoy it. My Uncle's boyfriend is fluent in 7 languages, so he kinda set the bar. 

Languages I've promised myself I will learn:
1. Polish (not doin so hot at the moment)
2. Irish Gaelic (or at least get the amazing accent down)
3. Arabic (yea...that's right...Arabic)

I thoroughly enjoy people. I am very interpersonal. I feel like I walk away with something, some new knowledge with every conversation I have. I learn something from everyone I meet. Especially kids. Kids are the key to our world. If you watch a child's behavior, ideas and values change as he/or she grows up your perspective of adults will change immensely. You can take one experience a child has and judging by the way they react to it, and the way their parents react to it and predict how it will still affect them decades later. 

Spatial. I'm a visual learner. To study I have to completely rewrite my notes, onto notecards in question and answer form. Merely be rewriting them and seeing them in another place I am able to learn the information easily. I also like to express myself through photography. There are things that you can express in a picture that are impossible to express in any other form. 

I just took a Multiple Intelligences Test Online- I thought the most interesting thing about the test is that they offered it in 6 languages, English, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Somali and Urdu. I wonder if it is more likely for native Spanish and French speakers to also speak English or if they may be more likely to able to guess the meanings because all 3 are Latin based Languages? Hmmmmm. That's cool that they put the other languages on the site. I've never heard of Urdu-I need to look that one up. 

This Test tagged me as Interpersonal (People Smart), Intrapersonal (Myself Smart), Kinaesthetic (Body Smart), Naturalistic (Nature Smart), Linguistic (Word Smart), Visual/Spatial (Picture Smart), then unsurprisingly last Musical (Music Smart)

It added Naturalistic- one Intelligence that was not on Howard Gardner's list, but obviously some feel it is still important. 

The link for the site where I tested my intelligences:

Urban Legend

Legend has it that certain Tootsie Pop wrappers behold the image of  an Indian man shooting a star with a bow and arrow. By collecting 5 of the said rare wrappers, one could acquire an ENTIRE BAG of Tootsie Pops!
Little does everyone in the world know that this legend is just that...a legend. "How are you so sure," you ask? At the age of 8 my brothers and I believed otherwise. We scavenged for 5 of the Indian wrappers and hustled over to our nearest convenient store with our hopes up.

However once we explained the situation to the clerk, he merely laughed in our faces baring his 'sommer teeth' (some are here, some are there). He went on to taunt us saying that there is no such thing and we silly children were foolish to believe otherwise (he had an incredibly complex vocabulary for someone with such terrible dental hygiene-and was very condescending). To this day I have not eaten a single Tootsie Pop.


This ad is oozing intertextuality. In order to understand this DVR ad you have to know George W. Bush. It would not have the same effect on a person who has not been exposed to our President as it does on someone who has lived in America for the past eight years. Bush's constant ability to sound unintelligent makes this commercial what it is.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Thinking Outside the Box

Watch this clip from a middle school football game. This is the greatest play ever. I don't want to give anything away so you'll have to see for yourself! I just wish everyone could think outside the box like this! 

Another Great Honda Ad

Honda just can't make a bad ad can they? This commercial would be funny enough without highlighting the rearview camera, they could've simply left it at-"Hop in there's room." But as usual they went the extra mile! Fantastic!!!

Take a Gander...


Okay, I know we have all been stunned by the Honda Accord Rube Goldberg Machine, but the commercial most of us have not seen is for 118-118. This british commercial advertising a new area code parodies the Honda Accord commercial beautifully. Though the 118 commercial does not have a tag line as brilliant as Honda's, it is none the less effective.  The Honda Accord commercial took 606 takes to get right where as I'm sure the 118-118 ad took around 1 or 2 considering they utilized people instead of car parts. 

More About the Honda Commercial 
The Honda commercial created by the godlike Wieden+Kennedy is 2 minutes long and cost 6 million dollars. It took a total of 3 months to complete. This ad took a lot more than just time and talented engineers. In order to acquire all the necessary parts for the Rube Goldberg Machine, they had to take apart two of the only six hand-made Accords in the world. has the entire scoop on the Honda Accord ad known as "Cog."

Birth Control

I found this banned condom commercial on YouTube. I know this is inappropriate but I found it hysterical. 

Your Thoughts:

Saturday, October 11, 2008

It's Hard Out There for a Chimp

     No, that's not my headline. But it made me chuckle, so I borrowed it. Wait...I want to go into Advertising...Yes that is my headline, I am extremely funny and quick witted--and looking for an internship- hint, hint, nudge, nudge. 


     I never thought I would want to be like a monkey, until I read about Cheeta. This furry maverick has accomplished feats that many humans have not. Not only was Cheeta the star of the original Tarzan but he has his own book titled "Me Cheeta"; was also recently declared the oldest nonhuman primate in the book of Guinness World Records at age 76! 
Being retired for a little over a half century, Cheeta has had a decent amount of time on his hands. Acting and staying alive are only two among his smorgasbord of talents. "Cheeta can churn out 15 paintings in a sitting. The nontoxic paint also makes a nice snack." says his trainer Dan Westfall. These "ape-stract" paintings are being sold online for $125 a piece, and half the proceeds are going to help primates around the world. Cheeta also likes to watch TV, read, listen to the radio, sleeps late and eats at McDonalds. 
I am inspired that a monkey can have accomplished so much. If evolution is truly how we came to be, I'm flattered that we are considered more intelligent beings. If Cheeta can be creative, no one should ever think that they can't. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I have been working on portraits a lot lately, here are a few of them

Another Skittles Commercial

     Skittles Commercials are just plain odd. They never cease to grab my attention. There seem to be thousands of them! Some are hysterical and others make me lose sleep at night. It would be hard not to fall off that creative edge every once in a while like Dr. Alvey said, but I guess some agencies fall off more often than not. Some agencies seem to even hit some rocks along the way. Anyway this is one that I enjoyed, mainly because I wouldn't mind having a skittles leak from time to time. 

"Stolen From the Past"

I really enjoyed this commercial. It was very well put together and took a lot of time and production. I think people truly take pride in a product that is connected to tradition and has not changed in decades. I like the idea that Tilda Pure Basmati Rice is "Stolen From the Past"


     RAWR!!! GRRRRR!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! Sorry I feel like I'm on ROIDS after watching this video. This fake ad is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. With the raging energy drink trend that has been attacking our society for the past five years, this was just what we needed. The pure amount of testosterone that oozes from this "Ad" literally made me want to punch a young child. 
Ch Ch ch Check it out:

(Those with epilepsy should avoid this video- due to sensory overload)

Vault Commercial

I've never really liked many energy drink commercials before but this Vault commercial is hysterical. 

Ch ch ch Check it out:

Monday, October 6, 2008

Creative Diarrhea

My mind throws up on computer screens, post-its, spirals, and napkins alike. I hate writing my ideas down, but I literally get to the point where I can't take it anymore. I would much rather talk about it, paint it, take pictures of it, or even act it out. There is nothing I love more than to come up with creative scenarios to solve problems. However much of the time I end up with the creative scenario but no problem to solve and that is how my ideas end up on paper like this smorgasbord of scraps I keep in a series of idea notebooks. Sometimes it is hard to keep them all inside...and they explode. 


This AIG Commercial immediately reminded me of the show "Smart Guy" circa late 90's. This little boy that comes to his parents with late night worries about their financial standings and  is thinking about things obviously way above his maturity and education level. The words coming out of this little boy's mouth are the opposite of what anyone would ever expect which is why this commercial is so effective. The idea of a child being smarter than the average adult is a common theme. The new show "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?" hosted by Jeff Foxworthy shows our interest in intelligent children. I like this commercial because it feels so appropriate for America's current economic situation. I think it really hits home for families today. 

The Zogster

I am finding it impossible to trust anyone in politics. But I trust John Zogby. When I walked in I expected to hear how terrible Americans are, how down our economy is and how we are doomed for life and how it is our generation's responsibility to fix all of the problems. Little did I know that John Zogby was in touch with the truth about current events and how the American public feels. 
I was extremely interested to hear what Zogby had to say about September 11. Even though 9/11 brought an unusual unity to the people of America, I always assumed that the war has been what has divided us in the past few years. However once Zogby brought up Katrina, I had a whole new perspective. I never considered Katrina to be the catalyst to our current situation, but once I deliberated the issues we had with rescue and distribution of food to refugees it all made sense. 
I was also intrigued when Zogby mentioned that we are so worried about the environment. We are convinced that we do nothing to help the earth, yet his polls showed that we recycle now more than ever. Zogby told us that in the  '70's people used to literally toss bags of trash out the window of their cars. Now people rarely litter. 
I am so thankful that I got the opportunity to hear John Zogby speak. I love that he considers us the "First Globals." He was in no way condescending and let us know that he has all of his faith in us. I was delighted to hear how positive he was talking about the future. It is hard enough to campaign and fight for what you believe in without someone telling you how hard it is going to be or that you can't do it. It was extremely refreshing to hear that we can do it and we have support from previous generations. I bought 3 books, one for me, my brother and my dad. This may be the most interesting read I've had in a while. I can't wait to find out "The Way We'll Be."

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Presidential Race 2.008

"Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody."
- Franklin Pierce Adams 

It's Time For A Change.

Political Campaigns inundate Americans with propaganda. Each candidate is made out to look like a villain who is running for the presidency solely so they can destroy the economy and put America in the most global danger possible. 

In his book, "The Political Brain", Drew Westen proves that voters choose their candidate solely on emotion with an experiment he so correctly dubs, 'The Partisan Brain.' Westen monitored the brain activity of 15 hard core Democrats and 15 hard core Republicans. "We presented partisans with six sets of statements involving clear inconsistencies by Kerry, six by Bush, and six by politically neutral male figures (e.g. Tom Hanks, William Styron)." 

Each Partisan viewed a series of slides
1. An initial statement- a quote from the candidate
2. A contradictory statement- taken from candidate, "which suggested a clear inconsistency        that would be threatening to a partisan"
3. A slide asking them to consider what they read and decide if it was inconsistent
4. A slide asking them to rate the extent to which they agreed that the candidate's words and deeds were contradictory, from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree)

The partisans "had no trouble seeing the contradictions for the opposition candidate, rating his inconsistencies close to a 4 on the four-point rating scale. For their own candidate, however, ratings averaged closer to 2, indicating minimal contradiction."

Not only is it an issue that partisans find it nearly impossible to indicate which candidate is telling the truth or even being consistent but it is caused by the fact they are blinded by their commitment to their party. This dangerous loyalty can be somewhat attributed to the dirty business that is said about each candidate. Political commercials are usually the outlet for such shenanigans.

The best example of a dramatic campaign commercial is from the presidential race between Lyndon B. Johnson and Barry Goldwater in 1964 . The ad was actually created by the almighty Doyle Dane Bernbach, famous for it's unique approach to advertising. This ad shocked the American public and was pulled immediately after its one time infamous showing on NBC in September of '64. "The Living Room Candidate" says that "the frightening ad was instantly perceived as a portrayals of Barry Goldwater as an extremist." After this one showing the public got the jest, Goldwater is dangerous therefore Lyndon Johnson must be safe. 

The Results of the 1964 Presidential Race were astronomical Goldwater carried 6 states, where as Johnson carried the other 44. 

My Proposal: Blind Campaigning 

The Candidates are announced on the news and campaigning goes as usual, except the public never sees the actual candidates. No one will see their skin color or hear their Alaskan accent until the ballots are counted and the race is over. 
All of their information will be throughly available to the public however it will only include their party, their resume, their intentions once obtaining the presidency, a time line of when what will be accomplished, a list of their beliefs (values and opinions) and graphs juxtaposed with their opposing candidates information. 
Every stance they hold will be explained on paper (recycled paper of course) and distributed accordingly
There will be no need for political commercials because everyone who is interested will be overwhelmingly informed on the briefing they receive on each candidate
The campaign will be very simple with a decent sized budget, however candidates will raise just as much money as before, but this time the campaign funds with be put to good use for their #1 cause on their list of things they will change while president

Though I will dearly miss the SNL skits- I think we can find a way to make it work. 

I think we would all be surprised on who we actually vote for, when focusing on what we should be basing our decision on in the first place; What that person will actually accomplish while holding the presidency. 

Your Thoughts?

Red Line Anxiety

Ever get extremely anxious before you watch a video online? Whether it be on YouTube or any other site you still have to wait for that god forsaken bar to load. And unless you hit play and then pause at the speed of light quickly so you can wait while it might as well stick to books because you aren't going to see an online video any time soon. 
It seems like someone put that little circle on crack. It puts the 
Little Engine That Could" to shame. And you can't just let it load half way, because sure enough that little circle will run at a perfect pace slightly behind the loading bar just until you relax and convince yourself that your video will not freeze up and make everyone talk like they are on tracks being mixed on a turn table-Wh wh wh wh whicky what? Then it speeds up as soon as you exhale. 

Room B 600 wants it's technology curse back. 

Tracy Chapman

Mother of us all
Place of our birth
We all are witness
To the rape of the world

If you look you'll see it with your own eyes
If you listed you will hear her cries
If you care you will stand and testify
And stop the rape of the world

These are the words of one of the most insightful women to have ever lived. Tracy Chapman is a brilliant lyricist and a human rights activist. She has been my mom's favorite artist since I can remeber. Therefore I grew up listening to her music. I can literally listen to her songs over and over and over again. I find such truth in everything she says. I think if more of our minds worked like hers does, the world would be a lot better off. There is not much more I can say about her, you just have to find out for yourself. Listen...


Talkin 'Bout a Revolution


New Beginning 


Yes I click on Internet Advertisements because they have cool colors. This time I stumbled oh so gracefully onto a very interesting site! This particularly sensory fulfilling ad is for a company called Left-Hand-Man. 
Left-Hand-Man is a creative production company out of San Jose. Created by Brent Haley, who has spent 20 years in the marketing industry working for companies like Aldus, Adobe, Pantone and Apple. "Brent created Left-Hand-Man productions in 2006 with the conviction that online streamed video is the next critical medium to communicate technology and products to the graphics market. He designed the studio to fill the void for small companies and large corporations who want to create leading edge video content to meet their marketing needs," says the companies website. 
The company offers Color for Creative seminars to explore the capabilites of Mac OS X Leopard, workflows in Adobe Photoshop, LightRoom, Apple Aperture and loads more. Left-Hand-Man even offers a seminar on Fonts for graphic designers! Check out the site to see these cool features!!!!

Entertainment Through the Ages

I recently visited the DeGoyler Library in Fondren. Unbeknownst to me, and most likely the majority of the SMU campus, DeGoyler has an extensive collection of rare photographs. Their massive collection contains over 500,000 railroad photographs.
Along with their collection, DeGoyler has included one of the first stereo viewers. For those who are unaware, stereo viewers are stands with lenses and a bar attached at the front where you place a card with two images on it. The way stereo viewers work is "each picture is taken from a slightly different viewpoint that corresponds closely to the spacing of the eyes. The left picture represents what the left eye would see, and likewise for the right picture. When observing the pictures through a special viewer, the pair of two-dimensional pictures merge together into a single three-dimensional photograph." They were an extremely poular source of entertainment before television, and radio were available. 
We consider our society to be one that thrives off of shock value. Many say that we are no longer entertained by normal everyday scenarios, we must see something inappropriate, we are desensitized. We think that times were so much simpler, so much more appropriate, so pure two generations ago. I thought so too until I saw the images in the stereo viewer at the library.
I was shocked when I l watched the story take place on the cards. I considered the story incredibly inappropriate for the time period (1881-1939). It showed a woman leaving her house to go shopping and kissing her husband on the way out. The next set of cards showed the couple's maid kneading dough with a devious look in her eye. Next, the husband and the maid are showed embracing in a passionate kiss. Then the Mrs. walking in the door with her shopping bags while the husband reads the paper at the table. As the woman puts her bags down she is in shock. The last card shows her husband with white flour hand prints on the back of his jacket. 
I think this means that our society has always felt the need for such entertainment. Even before visual means, stories were told with equally inappropriate content. Now that does not mean that I don't think our generation insists on being more inappropriate, because it certainly does. Today the maid would be dressed in a scantily clad uniform, and they certainly would not be kissing. However I don't think we should be blamed for being the source.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Holiday Inn Express

     I did not for one second expect this commercial to be for Holiday Inn Express and therefore I loved it. I think the casting was just brilliant and I found it much more entertaining than any other commercial of theirs I have seen before. 

     This spot seems to reach a wider audience, where as the others in this same campaign were targeted more towards the working class only. With this commercial our generation may be more likely to think of Holiday Inn when deciding on where to stay, than previously. 

I also hint a bit of intertextuality. The first thing I think of when I see a white guy rapping is Eminem. This commercial seems to be a pretty direct take off of 8 Mile, Eminem's epic story of underground rap battles that shot him to the top. Except I'm pretty sure Eminem didn't acquire his talent from sleeping at a Holiday Inn. 

Memorable. Funny. Lyrical.

Touche Holiday Inn...Touche.

Abair Aisling

Hmmm it seems I have forgotten to explain the meaning of my URL. The only thing I love more than the english language would be, all other languages. I thoroughly enjoy learning other languages, even if it is just simple words or phrases. For some reason I have always felt that everything has so much more meaning in another language. Therefore I decided that the link to my thoughts would be just that, an expression in another language. 
I chose Gaelic not only because it is beautiful, but because it is from my heritage. My great, great grandmother immigrated from Ireland (bringing along her 22 children- I'm not sure they ever found out what was causing it). Therefore I chose two Gaelic words, Abair and Aisling. 
Abair meaning to say, utter or express. Aisling meaning a dream or vision. 

Smart Phones

     I subscribe to PDN Photo District News, It's a fantastic site for professional and amateur photographers. Today there was a really interesting article about the newest technology with smart phones. I've been looking for a new phone since I have an upgrade coming up soon, the Blackberry Pearl just isn't doin it for me. 

     The article listed 3 phones that it considers "smart", The iPhone (Duh), The Blackberry Bold, and The Palm Treo. David Schloss considers a "Smart" Phone is "a device that offers some sort of synchronization with desktop calendars and address books and provides some add-on features that normally would be found on a laptop- chatting, picture messages and Web browsing." 

The basic features of the iPhone as we all very well know are internet access, iTunes, high-tech camera, calendar, YouTube Access, GPS, Weather, Access to the apple store oh yea and you can call people on it too! But why is there an entire article about it on a photography site? Photographers love the iPhone because it is like having your laptop on location with you. Not only can you get GPS to easily move from location to location but you can also check the weather, and best of all over 30 applications are available on the iTunes Application Store. Among the 30 plus applications available is one called iKspozher that "provides a calculator that stimulates the values found on an exposure meter: users simply dial in the ISO of their shot and the scene characteristics (full sun, cloudy, hazy, etc.) and the software provides the correct shutter speed and aperture combinations." 
But the BEST part of the iPhone is that photographers are able to set up their portfolios to be accessed with a "swipe of a finger." Then they can ultimately create "QuickTime movies complete with photos, video, titles and transitions, overlaid with music and soundtracks using Apple's Keynote or iMovie and save these movies to the iPhone. Apple makes two video cables for the iPhone that connect it to NTSC (standard) TV devices or HDTV sets, and can even connect to projectors, allowing the iPhone to drive a custom-made photographic presentation." 

I would discuss the other two phones listed in the article...but it just seems like a lost cause when compared to the capabilities of the iPhone.

I just can't wait until it starts cooking me meals. 

In short...Looks like Lauren is getting an iPhone.