Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Pray for India

On November 26, 2008

At least 7 locations in Mumbai, India were attacked by terrorists. The locations included two luxury hotels, restaurants, a hospital and a crowded bus station. The gunmen opened fire and launched grenades into the crowds. There are now believed to be 287 wounded and 195 killed. The most casualties resulting from the train station attack, where terrorists opened fire and threw grenades into the entire crowd. . The gunmen, at least in the restaurant, were known to be targeting Britons and Americans. They asked everyone who looked to be American or British what his or her heritage was, if they answered any other ethnicity, they were allowed to live. An organization known as the Deccan Mujahedeen has claimed responsibility for the attacks in e-mails to several media outlets. Police killed four suspected attackers and arrested nine others. That is not enough. 

Attacks like this are not just going to go away. It is sick that something like this actually happens. We, not as America but as the human race, need to do something. Tragedies like this happen more often than we would like to admit. We need to acknowledge it every time, not only when Americans are involved. We are affected every time another human or group of humans are injured or killed, whether we want to accept it or not. We are responsible for each other, regardless of race, class, or stereotypes. It is our obligation, and should be considered our privilege, to take care of each other and the earth that we are given. For the time that we are blessed with these things is short. 

What are you going to do about it?

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