Friday, November 28, 2008


        Intuition, inherent tendency, inclination, urge, drive, compulsion, feeling, hunch, sixth sense, insight. Call it what you like. It consumes our decisions with a powerful force. Follow your gut or choose the rational choice? Or are those one in the same? Let our past failures dictate our choice for us? Or follow your gut just this one last time? Does taking a risk make you brave or careless? The line is so thin. What is the criteria for a brilliant idea and what is it for an insignificant one? Is simple intelligent? Will a simple presentation take away the complexity of the idea? Will it look as though no thought was given, even though an inexplicable amount was? Minutes upon hours upon days; molding, shaping, honing. Will taking this risk make the author seem overconfident or lazy even though that is the exact opposite of what they are and what they meant it to be? Is it right? 1,000 ideas and I can not escape this one. I cannot get it out of my mind. It is so simple yet so encompassing of everything I want to express. Choose. Make a decision. What will I do? What will you? 

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