Peanut Butter is one of the greatest food products in the world. But what else can it do...
Great for dipping- oreo's, spoons, fingers, pretzels, bananas
or mixing with honey, chocolate, fluff (marshmallow cream), Nutella
Removing Gum from hair
An adhesive
Squirrel and mouse bait
Bird Feeder
Taking funny pictures of your dog making funny faces
Making horses talk
Halloween Costume
Hair styling gel
Themes for songs
Gaining weight
An amazing ice cream flavor
Giving your dog medicine
Killing someone with a nut allergy
Good blogging topic
Keep some in your braces for a late night snack
mix with ammonia and egg whites to take out stains
Fake tanner
Acne treatment
Use to beat anorexia
Shoot out of a cannon
Peanut butter balloon fight
Cure for cancer
Hang posters with it
Put in bowl for Halloween and blind fold kids telling them its their insides
Fill an entire room with it (just for decoration)
See how much fits in the VCR
Measuring tool
Use to secure dentures in place
Shaving cream
Mud pie- reinvented
Substitute in waterbed
Body Paint
Fake tattoos
Nail Polish
Currency in an imaginary land
Bob for apples
Build an adobe pb house
Background for taking portraits
Use for seduction purposes
Transportation device in sticky situations
Apply to feet to walk on ceiling
Throw in air for work out
Shoot out of flair gun for help
Smear to spell out HELP to be seen from sky
Use in cultural (initiation) dance
Alternative for a shoe horn
Shoot out of the back of a car in a chase to obstruct the view of the following car
Use to plug up soda bottle to keep fresh
Camouflage in the woods or a tan room
Quiet a squeaky wheel
Use as a moisturizer
Use to fill in holes in your dorm room walls so you don't get ridiculous fines
Cat toy
Finger painting
Sealing UPS boxes
Fly paper
Wrestling matches
Disciplinary method for a child saying "inappropriate" things
Repair leaks in bicycle tire
Plug up a runny nose
Coating household wires for safety purposes
Changing the sound of a musical instrument such as a tuba
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