I was just watching the UMass-Memphis game on ESPN and ended up shutting it off directly after I saw this commercial. The ad is for a company called Ashley Madison. They advertise adultery. "Hahaha right okay but what are they really advertising?" My thoughts exactly. Could they actually be advertising cheating on your spouse? Apparently so. Is life truly so short that we need to sleep with absolutely EVERYONE possible? If so, then why do we not have ads for gluttony and stealing? I mean our purpose in life is to get as many material things as possible before we croak right?
An even bigger issue than their advertising of such crude subject matter is why are we allowing them to!!!?? Why is this okay to put on national television? Especially on ESPN, where apparently they will reach their target market. Do they not realize that along with their target market they will reach teenage boys who have yet to fully develop thoughts about a marital relationship and how it should be? This is absolutely the most sickening and inappropriate ad I have seen in my entire life. I refuse to post the actual commercial that Ashley Madison created, which aired on ESPN a few times before they pulled it. However the commercial below is the "edited and less risque version" that I just saw on ESPN; along with an explanation of the controversy and an interview with Advertising Age columnist Bob Garfield. Garfield states that Ashley Madison has a right to advertise what they like, just not where they like. What I do not understand is why everyone is applauding ESPN for pulling the more risque ad when the 2nd ad is saying the exact same message through a innuendo.
Be a Man ESPN. Pull Both Ads.
Clips of the ad and overview:
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