I subscribe to PDN Photo District News, It's a fantastic site for professional and amateur photographers. Today there was a really interesting article about the newest technology with smart phones. I've been looking for a new phone since I have an upgrade coming up soon, the Blackberry Pearl just isn't doin it for me.
The article listed 3 phones that it considers "smart", The iPhone (Duh), The Blackberry Bold, and The Palm Treo. David Schloss considers a "Smart" Phone is "a device that offers some sort of synchronization with desktop calendars and address books and provides some add-on features that normally would be found on a laptop- chatting, picture messages and Web browsing."
The basic features of the iPhone as we all very well know are internet access, iTunes, high-tech camera, calendar, YouTube Access, GPS, Weather, Access to the apple store oh yea and you can call people on it too! But why is there an entire article about it on a photography site? Photographers love the iPhone because it is like having your laptop on location with you. Not only can you get GPS to easily move from location to location but you can also check the weather, and best of all over 30 applications are available on the iTunes Application Store. Among the 30 plus applications available is one called iKspozher that "provides a calculator that stimulates the values found on an exposure meter: users simply dial in the ISO of their shot and the scene characteristics (full sun, cloudy, hazy, etc.) and the software provides the correct shutter speed and aperture combinations."
But the BEST part of the iPhone is that photographers are able to set up their portfolios to be accessed with a "swipe of a finger." Then they can ultimately create "QuickTime movies complete with photos, video, titles and transitions, overlaid with music and soundtracks using Apple's Keynote or iMovie and save these movies to the iPhone. Apple makes two video cables for the iPhone that connect it to NTSC (standard) TV devices or HDTV sets, and can even connect to projectors, allowing the iPhone to drive a custom-made photographic presentation."
I would discuss the other two phones listed in the article...but it just seems like a lost cause when compared to the capabilities of the iPhone.
I just can't wait until it starts cooking me meals.
In short...Looks like Lauren is getting an iPhone.
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